
lördag 21 maj 2016

The finding of a holy grail, KAWASAKI H1R 1970.

As far as I know, there were only two Kawasaki H1R:s imported through official channels to Sweden during the early years of the seventies. This one, sold by the importer, H Flöter Försäljnings AB, to the famous racing legend, Esso Gunnarsson, here in Stockholm, and another one sold to another famous racer (I´ll get back to his name later...) somewhere in Sweden.

This particular bike were seen at many races during 1970-72 with Esso in the seat. I will post more information about these races as I find out more. It was returned to Flöter in 1972 and bought by yet another racer by the name of Björn Blomqvist from Åkers Styckebruk. He drove it quite a few races until 1974 when his son were born. The bike was placed in a barn, where it sat for more than 40 years...

Last year, Björn sadly passed away, and the family retreived the bike from all the rubble and dust and it finally saw daylight again.

Well, what to do with it? Restore it? Sell it? They posted an ad on the Classic Kawasaki club of Sweden´s discussion forum asking for help with a value and potentially finding a buyer. That´s where I found it...

                                      This is where it was located from approx 1976 to 2016...

In need of some TLC, for sure!

Thick layers of dust and grime.

Some severe rust on stanchions and other parts.

Engine turned over freely, but will need lots of work.

Fairing hanging over a beam.

Out at last.

The dry clutch, So typical for the racers.

The three Mikuni carbs, lids intact!

Original paint on the tank and fairing. Nice!

The bare frame, still on wheels.

                                 These pictures taken by Mikael Berglin, friend of the family.

Well, as anyone with the slightest interest in old motorcycles can understand, my heart jumped a few beats at the sight of this "Diamond in the rough". I needed it, Needed it bad....

The family decided to limit the prospective buyers to very few in numbers. Actually we were only two seriously interested in buying the bike when it all came to happen. The most important thing being the family´s possibility to follow the restoration up close and that the bike would stay in Sweden. All of this could be met by both competitors...

All in all, when it was all finished I was the buyer and a happy one! The other speculant was actually a good friend in the bike restoration business and we will be working closely together on restoring the two H1R:s officially imported to Sweden. Yes! He his the owner of the other one!

My next post will cover the pick-up and initial investigation of the bike.

Stay tuned!

8 kommentarer:

  1. I love it, it gives me goosebumps!
    All the best and Good Luck, I will stay tuned for sure...:-)
    H2 Racing

  2. Excellent find! Looks to be in the same shape mine was when I got it, only your tank and fairings are in beautiful condition!

  3. Excellent find! Looks to be in the same shape mine was when I got it, only your tank and fairings are in beautiful condition!

  4. Fantastic, looking forward to follow the progress. Actualy i talked a couple of times, with ESSO at Sviestad in the late 80,s and i think i saw the bike at Anderstorp in 1973.

  5. GreatBlog Per. I like your thorough descriptions of every step. Inspiring. I share the brother-hood with you; I'm restoring an 1971 H2, back to as close to brand new as possible.Posting a few photos on Facebook when I've got progress to report. check it out if you like @ Paul O'Connor Sydney Australia. My next step is gear undercutting, then shimming the gearbox, then engine assembly. The rolling bike is mostly together. You'll get there quickly I think !. Best Regards Paul
